Kamis, 20 Februari 2014 0 komentar

Eastern vs. Western Perspective

In international relations, the concept of nationalism needs to be understood. As we know that there are the differences between eastern countries and western countries views about nationalism. Nationalism has two faces that concept is not easy to explain. That is because nationalism can be strengthening a country or even destroys the country.
            The concept of nationalism in eastern countries is something very important that needed by a country. Nationalism is used by the eastern country as defense. In case, defense from another countries influence that can fade the nationalism in its country. In the view of the eastern countries, nationalism can be used as an identity for themselves.
Nationalism is a tool that is used to achieve power of a country. With high nationalism of each individual within a country, it will create a common interest that would form one solid unit and will form a great power. With great power, the easier a country achieves its national interests to stay afloat in the world. That's called nationalism in eastern countries.
            Not like eastern countries, western countries do not view nationalism as it can strengthen the state itself. Nationalism could even be a destroyer of a country. Because nationalism could create a state is not open to overseas. Foreign influence cannot be accepted outright, but the good effects should be well received in order to make an example of a country for the better.
            According to western countries, nationalism can make a nation being too proud or become primordial own country and tend to be chauvinism. Because that nationalism could destroy a country. In the international life of a country cannot survive without the other countries. The influence of other countries would also be required. Because of this attitude too proud of its own state is not considered good and will actually make the country does not go forward.
From the perspective of the west and east, nationalism itself has two faces. Nationalism can be a builder and a destroyer of nations. There is nothing wrong about thinking that nationalism can be used to achieve the benefit. Nationalism is an identity that makes a country recognized internationally. Each resident should have a high sense of nationalism as a filter so that foreign influence national identity does not fade and a sense of pride in the country remains. If the population itself does not have a high nationalism and does not recognize the advantages of his own nation, how the international community can "see" the size of the country? So, nationalism still needs to be embedded in the souls of each resident.
            Thought western countries were not able to be underestimated. Due to excessive nationalism is not good. Nations will tend to be closed to other countries. If closed, it will be difficult for a country to keep up to date to this era. It is also would be difficult if a country has an excessive nationalism.

Thus, nationalism should be seen through the two sides. Although it seen as a constructive, it can maintain the identity of a country in the international arena, nationalism can also make a country becomes "less socially". Therefore, deepening the understanding needed for every citizen regarding nationalism.
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Nationalism? What is it?

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East and West Views on Nationalism

On the previous post, we know that nationalism itself as an identity of each actor in International Relations. This post will explain about the East and West views about nationalism. Are they support this nationalism concept or not? Will the East and West see nationalism as an identity of their country?
            There are two views about nationalism, which are East and West views. Firstly, we will explain about the East view. Generally, the East believes or sees that nationalism as a good one. The East defines nationalism as a sense of love to the homeland even wants to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the homeland. A love to the homeland that is meant here by Ernest Renan is a sense of belonging by the public to their country. Countries that use this concept are Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries.
            Second, is about the West view. The West sees that nationalism as a bad thing. They assume that the concept of nationalism leads to the radical activities. Besides that, they assume, with nationalism the people will suffer because they do not have freedom in civic life. Countries that use this concept are Germany, Italy, and other countries.
            Well, even we see nationalism as a good things we must pay attention to the application of nationalism in civic life. Why? Because if applying excessive nationalism, so that nationalism will become ultra-nationalism, means that extreme nationalism. This ultra-nationalism will lead into the fascist state, where the interests of the country become the first and not pay attention to the interests of the people.
            In conclusion, nationalism is not seen as a good one but also the bad too. Each of countries has their own view about nationalism. The important thing is do not lead a country into an ultra-nationalism country, because it will make a country become a fascist country.

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014 0 komentar

Quotes About Nationalism

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Video About Nationalism

Senin, 17 Februari 2014 0 komentar

The Influence of Another Culture to Nationalism in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the countries that still hold into nationalism. The Indonesian still keeps the cultures that they have, they make it as a symbol of Indonesia. This era, which is globalization era, some of the culture has been replaced by another culture. It is true that another culture try to change our perspective to our culture. Not many Indonesia young generations that knows about their culture.
            Many influence that another culture make some of young generations know well about another culture rather than their culture. One of the examples is Korean culture, K-Pop. Many Indonesian people know well about this culture rather than the traditional songs of Indonesia. Nowadays the kids know well about the Korean songs rather than the kids songs of Indonesia, compare to my generation.
            Not only about this Korean culture, is another big influence about the “west culture”. As we know that the west culture is really different compare to our culture. The west tries to penetrate their culture to our culture, such as individualism, atheism, materialism, free sex and other culture. Those culture already spread over to Indonesian young generation, we know now there are so many free sex cases to young people in Indonesia.

            So, to face these cases, we as the young generation must think smart about another culture. Not all of another culture will give us a bad impact, such as the development of technology if we use it in the positive way. The bad impact of another culture must be prevented by young generation. This will keep our culture, our nationalism, our identity still exist in this country.
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Nationalism in International Relations

What comes to your mind if you hear the word nationalism? Most of us would think that nationalism is a high attitude of love towards the state or nation. Besides, this definition refers to patriotism. Nationalism itself refers to the identity of each state or nation.
            Nationalism is derived from the words “national” and “ism” which is nationality understanding. Nationalism implies consciousness and spirit of patriotism; have pride as nation, or maintain the honor of the nation; and also unity. Nationalism can also be interpreted as an understanding that creating and maintaining the state sovereignty by creating a common identity for a group of people in country.
            In International Relations itself, nationalism is an identity that distinguishes each actors in International Relations. The roles of nationalism in International Relations are as ideology and movement. Nationalism as an ideology can be interpreted that nationalism used as a guide by all citizens in particular country. Meanwhile, nationalism as a movement can be interpreted as a starting point for a nation to make a big change.
            Study of International Relations also has some perspectives in addressing influence of the phenomenon of nationalism in international relations. The perspectives are the positive one and the negative one. According to the positive perspective, it can be defined as a sense of belonging or sense of required by the actor in international relations. Meanwhile in the negative perspective, it can be defined as a movement that will be towards a condition called ethnocentrism.
            Nationalism itself can be divided into two; civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism. Civic nationalism means that the people of the state have a higher sense of nationalism to a sovereign state rather than their own origin ethnic. Ethnic nationalism means that the sense of nationalism higher to their own ethnic rather than to a sovereign state.
            Nationalism can give positive and negative impact. The positive impacts are; first, each of the actors has their own identity that distinguishes one actor to other actors in international relations. Second, nationalism can foster a sense of belonging to a nation. Third, nationalism can also develop a sense of country’s cultural inspiration. The negative impacts are; first, can make conflict and also war even murder on large scale over particular ethnic, because they assume that they are the most superior country compared to other countries. Second, the high sense of nationalism can be a barrier for countries that cooperate. Third, excessive nationalism can damage the relationship between politics and the economy of a country, because the high sense of nationalism can destabilize the continue of economic and political aspects.
Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014 0 komentar

Nationalism According to Some Experts

Nationalism is the result of the combination of political factors, economic, social, and intellectual. - Louis Sneyder.

Nationalism is the result of the perception of a person's identity against a political collectivity organized territorially. - Soeprapto

Nationalism is fundamentally arises from the existence of the National Counciousness. In other words nationalism is the formalization of (forms) and rationalization of national consciousness state and nation itself. And national consciousness that has shaped the nation in terms of politics, which is the national state. - Hans Kohn

Nationalism is feeling the same sympathy among the members of a nation. - Stuart Mill

Nationalism as the principle that the boundaries of a culture should coincide with the limits of the state. - Ernst Gellner